Halloween Disco and Softplay
Jungle Mayhem, Donisthorpe
UNTIL Friday 29th October

You do not want to miss this years Halloween Party, bigger and better than last year!
Disco starts at 7.00pm to 12.00pmSoft play will be open too.
Food will be available to purchase on the evening and of course the bar will be open too!- 15pm to 8.15pm
- 00pm Judging best Family Fancy Dress outfits (winning family will win a one year soft play membership at Jungle Madness)
- 45pm - (for the older children - the lights will go out in soft play - and our crazy clown will be let loose for 15 minutes).
Rest of the evening - let's parttttttty!
This will be a great evening!Ticket only - please phone Jungle direct to book and pay for your tickets