Consent to Write
Blackfordby Old School Room, Main Street, Blackfordby DE11 8AB
3rd May 2024 - 3rd May 2024
UNTIL Friday 3rd May

Change writing from a chore to a joy! Throughout the year my writing group
'Consent to Write'
Will be holding writing workshops in Blackfordby, Old School Room, Main Street, Blackfordby, DE11 8AB
'Consent to Write'
Welcomes all levels and provides a space for writers to grow.
Support offered throughout in this inviting, friendly setting within Blackfordby.
Work at your own pace with group creative writing exercises. Delivering in an effective way to meet the needs of all.
*Techniques to overcome writer blocks such as:
Writing Anxiety
Fear of sounding too "simple"
Feeling like everything written isn't good enough to submit for a grade.
Fear of failure.
Feeling like your ideas are "unoriginal" or "uninspired".
Contact Mary for further details:
07817 623079