New houses plan off Ashby Road in Packington set to get go-ahead despite objections from parish council

Outline plans for seven new houses in Packington are set to be given the green light next week - despite objections from the village's parish council.
North West Leicestershire District Council's planning committee meets on September 1 to discuss the scheme on land West Of Ashby Road in Packington.
Councillors will be recommended to permit the scheme - which is in outline form with only access and layout being considered for now.
The scale, appearance and landscaping scheme will be the subject of a separate reserved matters application if outline planning permission is granted.
The agenda for the meeting states that the application is referred to committee as the applicant/agent is related to a councillor - and at least one objection has been received against the proposal.
The applicant is listed as Ashby company Keller Construction Ltd, while the agent is Andrew Large Surveyors, based at Staunton Harold Hall.
A previous application for 11 houses on the site was withdrawn.
The site currently consists of grassland and a stable block.
Packington Parish Council says it objects to the plans on the following grounds:
• Impact on the setting of two grade II listed buildings on Mill Street (Mill Cottage and Croft Cottage)
• Will result in overlooking due to the elevated position of the cottages relative to the proposed development
• Impact on the setting of the conservation area
• Harm to the open character and appearance of the area
• Highway safety - concern over position of access on to busy road
• Infrastructure - the local primary school is over capacity and questions the capacity of other local schools and services
• There is no requirement for this type of development in Packington
• Packington is a settlement with limited services and facilities and has exceeded the levels of planned growth envisaged by the Local Plan
• Limited capacity for and concern over sewage and surface water disposal
• Dangerous proximity to the quarry - Mature trees, hedgerows and habitats should be protected
• Requests that if planning permission is approved, the heights of the dwellings be restricted and provision is made for single storey dwellings.

But 10 letters of representation have also been received from seven surrounding neighbouring properties, making the following points:
• The design of the proposed houses are very nice and would seem to fit within the landscape
• Small scale addition to the village is supported as the site is within the limits of development
• The village is already expanding with other committed and completed developments
• The current application does not address the concerns with the previously withdrawn application
• The boundaries of the village continue to expand
• The village does not need another gated community
• The development would not be easily accessible
• Out of character with the village
• The proposals do not provide homes for lower income or younger home owners
• Access issues and additional traffic
• Lack of drainage information submitted as part of the application
• Additional discharge into the water course - Flood risk
• Impact on trees and hedgerows
• Impact on the Conservation Area and listed buildings
• Impact on neighbour amenity - Impact on future amenity in respect of units proposed adjacent to the access
• Location of bin store
• Lack of bungalows
• Impact on local bat populations from additional lighting - The proposed density is too high
• Impact on use of public footpath
• The amended scheme does not address many concerns raised
The following non-material maters have been raised:
• The applicant is a well-respected builder
• The applicant has intentions to develop further land adjacent to the site
• Detailed design should be determined at this stage and not at reserved matters
• The application should be submitted as a full application, not outline
But councillors will be told by district officers that the proposal is deemed to comply with the relevant policies and the application is recommended for planning permission.
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