Lidl agent report says local consultation showed 'majority support' for new supermarket in Ashby

The agent for the proposed new Lidl supermarket in Ashby says that 'the majority of local residents support the proposed development'.
A Statement of Community Involvement document has been presented to North West Leicestershire District Council as part of the planning application to build the new store in Resolution Road on the site of Ashfield House.
Although part of the report refers to the Essex town of Great Dunmow, it is assumed Rapleys means the planned development in Ashby. This error has since been corrected as part of a re-submitted report.
Lidl plans to demolish the empty building currently in place and construct a supermarket close to a number of other similar outlets.
Concerns have already been raised by town councillors about the increase in traffic to an already busy junction, as well as the need for another supermarket in an area where Tesco, Aldi, B&M and M&S already have stores.
But chartered commercial property planners Rapleys, acting as agents for Lidl as part of the application, says that a community consultation in Ashby has demonstrated support for the scheme.
It has presented as part of the Community Involvement report a breakdown of responses received to the question: "Are you supportive of the new Lidl store in this location?"
The report says: "A selection of comments received has been collated which cover the general theme of responses.

"A schedule of responses received as part of the consultation exercise. In summary, comments were received on the following themes:
"Theme 1 – Happy to see the proposed development, especially to increase choice and affordable prices in 'Great Dunmow'.
"Theme 2 – Concerns about the impact on the highway network
"Theme 3 – Concerns about loss of trees."
The report also claims the majority of residents - 65 per cent - support the proposed development in principle.
The document adds: "Only 48 individuals (25 per cent) expressed a lack of support for the proposed development, while the remaining 10 per cent (19 individuals) indicated that they were undecided."
Lidl's agent also explained how the survey was conducted.
The report adds: "Lidl has undertaken consultation with the local community within which the application is proposed.
"The community consultation comprised the delivery of 2,295 leaflets to surrounding addresses inviting people to register their comments and thoughts online; and six-paged A5 leaflets re-printed in full colour gave details of the proposed development, including a computer-generated visualisation of the finished store and the proposed site plan.
"In addition, the leaflets invited local residents to register their comments either online or through the free post return slip provided.
"These methods of consultation were considered appropriate given the nature of the proposal to create a new Lidl store, which is likely to generate a significant amount of interest among the local community and stakeholders."
"The responses from the local community demonstrate a clear support for the principle of the Lidl store.
"In regard to the concerns raised by residents in relation to highways and traffic, a Transport Assessment has been prepared to accompany the planning application which demonstrates that the proposals deliver a safe and suitable access and will not result in any significant impacts on the highway network.
"Pedestrian connectivity to the site has been carefully considered as part of the scheme design to ensure that safe and appropriate access is provided for all customers.
"Turning to the loss of trees, the proposed development is to incorporate an increase in tree planting and soft landscaping to soften the impact on the surroundings, whilst the proposed building is set away from the road to reduce the impact on the landscape.
"A tree protection plan has also been produced as part of the submission."
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