Ashby ‘calm and nurturing' pre-school nursery is given favourable report in its first Ofsted inspection

By Ashby Nub News Reporter

14th Jun 2024 | Local News

Ashby Pre-school academy in North Street. Photo: Ashby Nub News
Ashby Pre-school academy in North Street. Photo: Ashby Nub News

Ashby Pre-school Academy has been given a 'good' rating in its first Ofsted inspection.

The North Street-based nursery was founded in 2021 and earned an 'Outstanding' grade in the Personal development category - with 'good' given elsewhere.

Ofsted said the staff create a 'calm and nurturing environment' to help children to feel comfortable and secure. 

The report adds: "They provide highly effective and sensitive support to help children to manage their emotions. 

"Children demonstrate a strong sense of confidence and independence during their play and the routines, for example how they freely access the environment and activities.

"They model positive behaviour and give children the time and space to try and reach their own resolutions. Staff also praise children for making the right choices when they recognise and follow the expectations and rules. 

"Children are keen and eager to learn. Staff have the same ambition for all children regardless of their starting points and if they have additional support needs."

Ofsted still believes that there are improvements that can be made, however.

The report adds: "Sometimes staff do not use the activities well enough to help children to build on what they already know and can do."

But it says: "There is well-considered identification and spending of additional funding to support children's individual needs. 

"Staff ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported to be included in all activities. 

"There is careful liaison with the schools that children move on to to ensure that the transition is smooth and supportive for all children.

"Parents speak highly of the pre-school and in particular how well staff care for and know the children, the support for settling in and the development of children's social skills.

"Leaders provide varied opportunities to gather and share information with parents. This includes newsletters regarding forthcoming activities, a daily exchange of information about what children have been doing and the opportunity to attend a regular meeting about their child's development. 

"However, on occasions, parents are not clear about what their child is learning next, in order to be able to support this at home."


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