Well-known Ashby figure's ‘rollercoaster of a memoir’ highlights his bipolar struggle

By Graham Hill

15th Jun 2024 | Local News

John Villiers has written his first book. Photos: Supplied
John Villiers has written his first book. Photos: Supplied

Ashby man John Villiers has published his first book - an autobiography, to highlight his lifelong struggle with the mental illness known as bipolar affective disorder. 

'Mad Not Bad - My Battle with Bipolar' is John's first book.

He was born in 1963 at the Cottage Hospital in Ashby and has lived and worked in the town for his entire life. 

John is a well-known local figure and he explained the background behind the book.

He said: "The reason for writing my life story is simple. 

"I want to help others who may be suffering from bipolar. 

"Also, I want to educate non-sufferers, so they can recognise and understand the symptoms when they see them in someone else."

It has been ghost written Ashby author Oliver Fordham and he describes the bool as a 'rollercoaster of a memoir'.

John sets out his dramatic, traumatic and romantic life story. 

His struggle with bipolar disorder has defined his whole existence – adversely affecting most of his relationships with family and friends. 

But he has now taken the positive opportunity to chronicle his story. 

The book is described as 'reading like a work of fiction' in places – but it is all true. 

His experiences range from prison to mental health hospital; from joy, to coming close to death; and from building a successful business to losing a small fortune. 

It is a book that also contains references to his 'hypersexual behaviour' which has dominated his lifetime and led to some 'interesting situations'. 

Stuffed full of anecdotes, John's autobiography promises to make you laugh and - probably - cry. 

However, there is also a the message that you will 'definitely be shocked' because it is written in a most explicit and honest style.

• 'Mad Not Bad' is now available to buy on Amazon.


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