Ashby Town Council to take measures to prevent more Traveller camps setting up in the area

Ashby de la Zouch Town Council has put measures in place to try and stop a repeat of traveller groups setting up camp in the area.
Monday night's Parks & Cemetery Committee was told that the cost of removing last summer's traveller camps was £3,000.
Councillors were also told that there was a real chance the group could return in future.
But the council will also urge North West Leicestershire District Council to establish a transit area in the district - although currently exist in the whole of the county.
A group of travellers camped on two sites in July starting with Westfields Recreation Ground Traveller group given deadline to leave park on Ashby housing estate.
When they were moved on from there, they travelled just a few miles to Western Park before being told to go once more Travelling group told to leave Western Park.
A report was presented to the committee, detailing ways in which further issues could be avoided.
However, it was pointed out that no measures could be 100 per cent certain to stop further incursions on to the town's parkland.
There will be moves to tighten up access to the Bath Grounds but Hood Park is proving more difficult to protect against groups moving vehicles on the area.
The council has looked at the parks in Ashby to see what can be done.
- Westfields: Field gates, ensure gates cannot be lifted off their hinges on Abbey Drive and Highfields Close
- Western Park: It was noted that action had already been taken to install bollards at the Park Close entrance; additional post to block entrance at Park Close; Packing Nook Lane knee bar to be replaced or repaired; ensure gates cannot be lifted off hinges; Replace rotting tree stump with bollard; install height barrier at Avenue Road gate.
- Willesley Recreation Ground: Ensure gate cannot be lifted off its hinges; replace missing bollard; consider long term replacement of all concrete bollards.
- Bath Grounds: Prior Park Road entrance - replace wooden fence either side of field gate to roadway and ensure gate cannot be lifted off its hinges; consider long term replacements for wooden bollards at Cricket Club car park and South Street entrance; Footpath field gate - ensure gates cannot be lifted off their hinges.
- Hood Park: It is considered there are too many access points, with multiple ownership, to be able to achieve a reasonable degree of security.
- Blackfordby Main Street: To install bollard where bin has been removed, or place bin; install post or rail fence along boundary with South Close; replace damaged fence at Strawberry Lane end of field.
The report, compiled by town clark Jack Fargher, also said the impact of the two camps last summer should not be underestimated.
It said: "The visual impact of the encampment, the litter and waste which is generated, the movement of vehicles on and off the site - apparently all hours of the day and night - the loss of amenity to the general public, the local junior soccer school had to be cancelled, for example, and the cost to the public purse are all of concern to the Town Council.
"There is a potential for community hostility, disruption and conflict locally.
"They can be expensive and time consuming to clear - the cost to date of dealing with the two incursions has been in the region of £3k.
"The likelihood is that, now that they have found us, they, or other groups may return in the future.
"Local residents need to know that they, and their environment, will be protected as reasonably as possible."
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