Evening Candlelit yoga
Moira Village Hall
UNTIL Friday 11th February

What is restorative yoga?
Restorative yoga allows usto relearn the art of relaxationwhile developing the skills and abilities to self-soothe. It enhances our healing capacity by helping us to regulate our stress response and re-balance the nervous system.
The beauty of restorative yoga is that we don't have to contract our muscles. Though we often believe we have to 'work' to increase our flexibility, we can in fact, achieve more bysofteningandrelaxingrather than by forcing our way through a strong, dynamic practice.
The key difference is the approach. During a restorative yoga sequence, we still stretch, but we're encouraged to relax fully in the stretch with a few props so that we can release tension and focus on the breath. This helps us to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for therest / digestprocess), which helps combat that feeling of 'overdrive' that we often find ourselves in.
Because our body and minds become softer, this means we can also create the space to get in touch with our natural qualities of compassion and understanding of others and self.
Restorative yoga benefits: Deeply relaxes the body Stills a busy mind Releases muscular tension, improving mobility and flexibility Improves capacity for healing and balancing Balances the nervous system Boosts the immune system Develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self. The class starts at 7. We will finish off with a hot drink and a sweet treat followed by doing some positive journaling. £15 for 2 hours of nourishment and relaxation.Share: