Ashby Causes Are Urged To Apply For Co-op Community Fund
The Co-op is looking for projects that are supporting access to essential services, improving mental & physical wellbeing or building community resilience.
By Graham Hill
Posted: Friday, 26th June 2020 9:06 am

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Co-op is targeting its funding at organisations that are working towards community wellbeing in Ashby and the surrounding area.
As its 2021 Local Community Fund application period opens, the Co-op is looking for local projects that are supporting access to essential services, for example foodbanks or green spaces, improving mental & physical wellbeing or building community resilience.
Groups involved in any of these activities are being urged to apply to be a beneficiary of the scheme which paid out an average of almost £5,000 to 4,500 causes across the UK last year.
Co-op members, who receive a personal reward for themselves with one per cent of what they spend on Co-op own label products and services going to local causes, have a say in how the money is allocated.
Rebecca Birkbeck, Director of Community and Shared Value, at the Co-op, said: "The Co-op Local Community Fund supports grass-roots projects across the UK that our members care about.
"We want to help communities to come together, co-operate and have a positive impact on community wellbeing – physically and virtually.
"I would urge any group in the Ashby area that feels it fits our criteria to apply for funding. We know they need a funding boost now more than ever."
The Co-op's Community Wellbeing Index gives communities focused local information to help them understand what will make the biggest difference to local people.
The Index enables people to go on-line and compare their community with 28,000 others across the UK.
By entering a postcode the Index will reveal a community's overall well-being score and indicate its performance across nine specific areas including: education; health and community spaces - Co-op Community well-being.
Causes wanting more information about applying for the next round of the Co-op's Local Community Fund should visit Co-op Causes UK.
The closing date for applications is 28 June. The Co-op also recently launched Co-operate, an online community centre, which connects communities to local and national support initiatives, but also to volunteers who are willing to run virtual events such as exercise classes, music groups, or arts and crafts classes for others, across the country.Share: